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. Clair Barrass

Clair Barrass

Applications Consultant
[ Servicedesk , User Admin , Training , Web & Docs ]

Member of the ARCHER2 Service Desk and User Administration team, administrator for ARCHER2 Training programme, and website development and maintenance.
Outside of work, Clair loves doing word puzzles and cryptic crosswords, and photography in the great outdoors.

Dr Lorna Smith

Dr Lorna Smith

Deputy Director for the CSE service. Web and Documentation function lead. Outreach function lead
[ CSE , eCSE , Outreach , Web & Docs , Quality & Feedback , Coordination ]

As the CSE Service deputy director, I tend to be involved in most aspects of the service delivery. However I have a particular role within the eCSE programme, around documentation, outreach and understanding and monitoring emissions as we look towards Net Zero services. Out with work you can find me in my garden or enjoying the chaos of being a Beaver Scout leader.

Dr Andrew Turner

Dr Andrew Turner

CSE Architect
[ Servicedesk , User Admin , CSE , Training , Web & Docs ]

My main role as CSE Architect in the ARCHER2 service is to try to make the service as useful as possible for researchers. I help the team prioritise work to improve the service and try to anticipate future requirements for researchers on ARCHER2. I strongly believe that we can achieve more in research by working together openly in a collegial way and so think that having strong links between the ARCHER2 service and the wider community are vital; and where the critical mass of the ARCHER2 service can have a large impact. To help achieve this I try to maintain strong links with various organisations, such as the Society of Research Software Engineering, the UK HPC-SIG, DiRAC, The Carpentries and various user communities. In my spare time, I can be generally be found out in the countryside somewhere: either under it (caving), over it (bikepacking) or though it (wild swimming).