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Dr Rui Apostolo

Dr Rui Apostolo

Applications Consultant
[ Servicedesk , CSE ]

Member of the ARCHER2 Service Desk team, CSE in-depth user support, and occasional training course helper.
Code contact for LAMMPS, GROMACS, VMD, and consortium contact for HECBioSim.
Watches way too many movies.

Dr Michael Bareford

Dr Michael Bareford

Applications Consultant
[ Servicedesk , CSE , Training ]

CSE team member - helping researchers to run their parallel codes as optimally as possible.

. Clair Barrass

Clair Barrass

Applications Consultant
[ Servicedesk , User Admin , Training , Web & Docs , Quality & Feedback ]

Member of the ARCHER2 Service Desk and User Administration team, administrator for ARCHER2 Training programme, and website development and maintenance.
Outside of work, Clair loves doing word puzzles and cryptic crosswords, and photography in the great outdoors.

Dr George Beckett

Dr George Beckett

CSE Technical Operations function lead. In Depth function lead
[ CSE , Training ]

Member of the CSE service, overseeing technical operations and in-depth user support.

. Josephine Beech-Brandt

Josephine Beech-Brandt

Service Desk function lead
[ Servicedesk , User Admin ]

Dr Stephen Booth

Dr Stephen Booth

SP Architect
[ ]

Stephen has a PhD in physics and has contributed to the HPC services Edinburgh since 1994. He is the primary developer of the SAFE administration and accounting software.

Dr Alexei Borissov

Dr Alexei Borissov

Applications Consultant
[ CSE , Training ]

I'm involved with technical assessments and technical evaluation reviews, and with the training team.

. Eleanor Broadway

Eleanor Broadway

Applications Consultant
[ Servicedesk , CSE , Training , Outreach ]

Member of the CSE team providing in-depth user support and member of the ARCHER2 Service Desk team. Also a technical assessment reviewer, course helper and outreach team member.

D Philip Cass

Philip Cass

HPC Systems Specialist - Senior Systems Administrator
[ Systems ]

D Paul Clark

Paul Clark

Overall responsibility for the team who will provide the technical systems administration for the SP Service
[ Systems , Coordination ]

Paul has overall responsibility for our Supercomputing Data Centre, the Advanced Computing Facility (ACF), along with all of the systems and services we run. Overall responsibility for the team who provide the technical systems administration for the SP service, along with the accommodation services for the hosting of ARCHER2.

D Daniel Gleed

Daniel Gleed

Systems Operation function lead
[ Systems ]

Daniel has been at EPCC for over 7 years and is the team leader of the HPC system administrators who build, support and deliver the ARCHER2 service in addition to the underpinning infrastructure. Daniel and the team also look after a number of other diverse HPC systems within the ACF.

. Xu Guo

Xu Guo

CSE Service Desk lead
[ CSE , eCSE ]

Xu is the function lead for ARCHER2 CSE Service Desk. She is also a member of the ARCHER2 eCSE team, a Technical Assessment reviewer and a course helper

Dr David Henty

Dr David Henty

Group/Programme Manager
[ CSE , Training ]

David is involved in a range of training activities around parallel programming and performance optimisation. His technical work is mainly in the area of parallel performance for both computation and IO.

M Catherine Inglis

Catherine Inglis

Programme Manager
[ Servicedesk , User Admin , eCSE , Quality & Feedback ]

Member of the ARCHER2 Service Desk and User Administration team, dealing with user support. Also part of the team who manage the eCSE programme, as well as the feedback, impact and benefits realisation team. She has an unconventional background among EPCC staff, having a degree in Modern and Medieval Languages.”

X Jaffery Irudayasamy

Jaffery Irudayasamy

Applications Developer
[ Servicedesk , CSE , Training ]

I joined EPCC in November 2023 as an Applications Developer after completing my MSc in HPC with Data Science at the University of Edinburgh. I was also a part of the winning ISC Student Cluster Competition team, TeamEPCC 2023. To continue my interests in HPC developed through the MSc and the competition, I joined EPCC, where I'm involved in various industry and research work. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking and playing MOBA games.

Dr Chris Johnson

Dr Chris Johnson

eCSE function lead
[ CSE , eCSE , User Admin ]

Chris is the function lead for the ARCHER2 eCSE programme. He is also a Technical Assessment reviewer.

. Caoimhín Laoide-Kemp

Caoimhín Laoide-Kemp

Applications Consultant
[ Servicedesk , CSE , Training ]

Caoimhín is a member of the Service Desk and CSE teams. He also occasionally helps out with EPCC’s MSc, Training, and Student Support.

D Kieran Leach

Kieran Leach

Systems Development function lead
[ Systems ]

Kieran is the function lead for System Development. Kieran has worked with EPCC since 2013 and works primarily as a project manager supporting development of new services and capabilities.

Dr Sebastien Lemaire

Dr Sebastien Lemaire

Applications Consultant
[ Servicedesk , CSE ]

Member of the ARCHER2 Service Desk team, CSE.

Dr William Lucas

Dr William Lucas

Applications Consultant
[ Servicedesk , CSE , Training ]

Member of the ARCHER2 service desk and CSE teams, providing in-depth support and training. I also work on Cirrus and teach on EPCC’s MSc. I love Raspberry Pis!

X Nathan Mannall

Nathan Mannall

Applications Developer
[ Servicedesk , CSE ]

x James Mclay

James Mclay

Computing Support Officer – User Support
[ Servicedesk , User Admin ]

Dr Laura Moran

Dr Laura Moran

Applications Developer
[ Servicedesk ]

Dr Luca Parisi

Dr Luca Parisi

Applications Consultant
[ Servicedesk , CSE ]

Member of the ARCHER2 CSE team.

Prof Mark Parsons

Prof Mark Parsons

Director of EPCC and Dean of Research Computing. Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) for EPCC for ARCHER2
[ Coordination ]

Prof. Mark Parsons joined EPCC, the supercomputing centre at The University of Edinburgh, in 1994 as a software developer working on several industrial contracts following a PhD in Particle Physics undertaken on the LEP accelerator at CERN in Geneva.

Dr Arno Proeme

Dr Arno Proeme

Applications Consultant
[ Servicedesk , CSE ]

Dr James Richings

Dr James Richings

Applications Consultant
[ CSE , Servicedesk , Training ]

Member of the ARCHER2 service desk and CSE teams, providing in-depth support and training. Currently working on an eCSE project looking at scalable simulations of ground penetrating radar with gprMax and in my spare time I occasionally bother Qubits.

Dr Juan Rodriguez-Herrera

Dr Juan Rodriguez-Herrera

Training function lead
[ Servicedesk , CSE , Training ]

Juan is the ARCHER2 Training function lead. His main role is tailoring and delivering a training programme that addresses the needs of all users and enables them to make efficient use of the ARCHER2 system. He's also a member of the Service Desk.

Dr Alan Simpson

Dr Alan Simpson

Service Director for the SP service. Service Director for the CSE service
[ CSE , Coordination ]

Alan joined EPCC after completing a PhD in Computational Physics and has taken leading roles in national HPC services since 1994. As ARCHER2 Service Director, he has overall responsibility for delivery of the service to users.

Dr Lorna Smith

Dr Lorna Smith

Deputy Director for the CSE service. Web and Documentation function lead. Outreach function lead
[ CSE , eCSE , Outreach , Web & Docs , Quality & Feedback , Coordination ]

As the CSE Service deputy director, I tend to be involved in most aspects of the service delivery. However I have a particular role within the eCSE programme, around documentation, outreach and understanding and monitoring emissions as we look towards Net Zero services. Out with work you can find me in my garden or enjoying the chaos of being a Beaver Scout leader.

Dr Kevin Stratford

Dr Kevin Stratford

Senior Research Fellow
[ Servicedesk , CSE , Training ]

I have a background in computational physics and have ongoing interests in atomistic simulation and various flavours of fluid dynamics. I help out with the helpdesk, and also lead courses on Fortran, and GPU computing.

Dr Andrew Turner

Dr Andrew Turner

CSE Architect
[ Servicedesk , User Admin , CSE , Training , Web & Docs ]

My main role as CSE Architect in the ARCHER2 service is to try to make the service as useful as possible for researchers. I help the team prioritise work to improve the service and try to anticipate future requirements for researchers on ARCHER2. I strongly believe that we can achieve more in research by working together openly in a collegial way and so think that having strong links between the ARCHER2 service and the wider community are vital; and where the critical mass of the ARCHER2 service can have a large impact. To help achieve this I try to maintain strong links with various organisations, such as the Society of Research Software Engineering, the UK HPC-SIG, DiRAC, The Carpentries and various user communities. In my spare time, I can be generally be found out in the countryside somewhere: either under it (caving), over it (bikepacking) or though it (wild swimming).

x Anne Whiting

Anne Whiting

Quality and Feedback function lead. Impact function lead
[ Servicedesk , User Admin , Quality & Feedback ]

Anne is the lead on the various ISO certifications that EPCC maintains in quality, information security and with business continuity and disaster recovery coming soon. She is a member of the service desk and uadmin team, dealing with user support, and leads on feedback and impact activities. In her spare time Anne is a keen potter.

Dr Chris Wood

Dr Chris Wood

Project Manager
[ Training , CSE , Outreach ]

Since joining EPCC in 2018, I’ve been involved in a number of eCSE projects, with a particular interest in supporting users from the environmental and life sciences domains. I’m a course organiser on the MSc that we run, as well as being involved in lecturing on a range of other MSc modules and ARCHER2 training courses, and have recently been awarded a NERC training grant. I also help manage aspects of the ARCHER2 outreach programme, to help explain to the public why ARCHER2 is so important.