UKRI (EPSRC and NERC) fund a number of large consortia that bring together researchers working in a particular domain. These consortia have large allocations of time on ARCHER2 that they can distribute out to their members.

These pages provide information on the consortia funded on ARCHER2, including details of how to contact them and information on the scientific area they cover.

EPSRC High End Computing (HEC) Consortia

Name Consortium Leader CSE Consortium Contact ARCHER2 Project ID
UK Turbulence Consortium (UKTC) Prof. Sylvain Laizet (Imperial College) William Lucas e01
Materials Chemistry Consortium (MCC) Prof. Scott Woodley (UCL) William Lucas e05
UK Car-Parrinello Consortium (UKCP) Dr Phil Hasnip (University of York) Andy Turner e89
HEC Biomolecular Simulation Consortium (HECBioSim) Prof. Syma Khalid (University of Oxford) Rui Apostolo e280
Plasma HEC Consortium Dr. David Dickinson (University of York) Nathan Mannall e281
UK Consortium on Mesoscale Engineering Science (UKCOMES) Prof. Kai Luo (UCL) Kevin Stratford e283
UK High-End Computing Consortium for X-Ray Spectroscopy (HPC-CONEXS) Prof. Thomas Penfold (Newcastle University) Eleanor Broadway e772
High End Computing Consortium for Wave Structure Interaction (HEC WSI) Prof. Deborah Greaves (University of Plymouth) Sebastien Lemaire e773

NERC Consortia

Name Consortium Leader CSE Consortium Contact ARCHER2 Project ID
Oceanography and Shelf Seas Consortium Dr. Andrew Coward (University of Southampton) Michael Bareford n01
Atmospheric and Polar Sciences Consortium Dr. Grenville Lister (University of Reading) Michael Bareford n02
Mineral and Geophysics Consortium Prof. John Brodholt (UCL) Andy Turner n03