Whilst much of our training is delivered face-to-face, we also offer some courses online, as well as presenting regular virtual tutorials and webinars online. In addition, some of our online courses are recorded and the videos are available as an online resource.
Access to Online training
Online training is presented as live online interactive sessions conducted using Blackboard Collaborate.
Chrome or Firefox are recommended for connecting to BlackBoard Collaborate but most other modern browsers will work to attend a session.
There are also apps available for BlackBoard Collaborate but these have reduced functionality and we recommend using the browser where this is an option.
Online training is usually recorded and the video made available after the event on the ARCHER2 YouTube Channel
We have several self-service online courses available:
Past Course Materials
Material from previous face-to-face ARCHER2 courses is available in the Past Course Training Materials. This typically includes PDF copies of all the slides and exercise sheets, source code for the exercises and any solutions provided, to enable anyone to work through the course independently or for revision after attending a course.
Virtual Tutorials and Webinars
These virtual sessions usually take place at 15:00 UK time on Wednesdays. Upcoming courses are listed on the main training page.
Virtual tutorials normally start with a presentation and live demonstration on a particular topic followed by time for discussion with participants, both about the presented materials and in response to general questions about ARCHER2 and HPC/parallel computing in general. We hope that the discussions will be driven by what users wish to know and we expect the format to be that of a Question and Answer (Q&A) session.
As well as presenting on selected topics in high-performance computing relevant to ARCHER2 users and reporting on scientific software development work done as part of ARCHER2 eCSE projects, Virtual Tutorial sessions provide a forum for users to ask questions on any topic related to the ARCHER2 service. They also provide an opportunity for attendees of recent ARCHER2 training courses to ask questions that may have arisen since attending the course.
Webinars usually have a presentation followed by the opportunity for attendees to ask questions on that topic.
Material from previous ARCHER2 Webinars and Virtual Tutorials is available. This typically includes video recordings of each online session and a PDF copy of the slides.
YouTube Channel
All video recordings related to the ARCHER2 service are available on the ARCHER2 YouTube Channel. This also includes a number of short videos covering specific topics such as using the ARCHER2 SAFE.
Previous sessions delivered under ARCHER are also still available.