Over the last two decades, Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques have been gaining popularity among high performance computing (HPC) scientists. Enhancing state-of-the-art numerical workflows with AI components can lead to two main improvements: the discovery of new results and the optimisation of the computational resources needed to obtain them. The integration of ML workflows and more traditional numerical software can be difficult due to differences in how these computational paradigms are developed and deployed on large systems.

In this webinar, we introduce SmartSim, a portable open-source framework maintained by HPE, which can be used to couple HPC applications and ML toolkits. Using exemplar use cases from Computational Fluid Dynamics and Climate Modelling, we will show how these new AI-enhanced workflows can be used for scientific discovery. First, we will describe how SmartSim has been used on ARCHER2’s small GPU development platform and then present the experience of one research group who are coupling machine learning and Xcompact3D to improve the power output of wind farms by introducing dynamic wake steering.

This online session is open to all. It will use the Blackboard Collaborate platform.


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