The webinar describes the porting of software to help researchers to respond to uncertainty in climate and Earth-system models in two ways. Firstly, OptClim software permits researchers to optimise parameters in three prominent earth system models: CESM, MITgcm-based models and UKESM. Secondly we have developed closely-related software for “particle filtering” (PF) in which an ensemble of UKESM runs is used to track historical data. Schematics of OptClim (left) and PF (right):
The webinar will:
- Explain the rationale for the OPTCLIM and PF software
- Outline its porting to ARCHER2 and the extensions that tailored the system for MITgcm, CESM and UKESM models.
- Introduce GeosMeta, a system previously developed for capturing metadata and provenance, and explain how it was used with UKESM and its own workflow server as a message-passing service.
- Orient potential users.
Some weather processes can’t be fully resolved in maths, and have to be parameterised. Cloud physics is prominent in this.
This online session is open to all. It will use the Blackboard Collaborate platform.