ARCHER2 Weekly Newsletter
By ARCHER2 Service on June 21, 2023
- Software Carpentry - 26 - 27 June 2023 09:30 - 17:00 BST
- HPC Carpentry - 28 June 2023 9:30 - 17:00 BST
- ARCHER2 Publication Database
- The First ExCALIBUR International Extreme Data (EIED) Workshop
- Recently added known issues
- Upcoming ARCHER2 training
Software Carpentry
26 - 27 June 2023 09:30 - 17:00 BST
This course will take place face-to-face at Edinburgh Paterson’s Land
Software Carpentry aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills. This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including:
- Program design (Python)
- Version control (Git)
- The Unix Shell
HPC Carpentry
28 June 2023 9:30 - 17:00 BST
This course will take place face-to-face at Edinburgh Paterson’s Land
This one-day course introduces accessing remote advanced computing facilities via the command line and High Performance Computing (HPC).
After completing this course, participants will:
- Understand motivations for using HPC in research.
- Understand how HPC systems are put together to achieve performance and how they differ from desktops/laptops.
- Know how to connect to remote HPC systems and transfer data.
- Be able to use the Bash command line on remote systems.
- Know how to use a scheduler to work on a shared system.
- Be able to use software modules to access different HPC software.
- Be able to work effectively on a remote shared resource.
ARCHER2 Publication Database:
The ARCHER2 service maintains a publication database of works that have arisen from ARCHER2 and links them to project IDs that have ARCHER2 access. We ask all users of ARCHER2 to register any publications in the database - all you need is your publication’s DOI.
Registering your publications in SAFE has a number of advantages:
- For large projects in particular, it allows the project lead to collect publications from all the project members to assist with ResearchFish submissions
- Your publication automatically gets added to the ARCHER2 publications page
- Your publication is included in reports to UKRI
- The better the record we have of publications arising from the ARCHER2 service, the easier it is to demonstrate the impacts and benefits of the service; allowing UKRI to secure funding for future national supercomputing services.
Further details and instructions on how to add publications
The First ExCALIBUR International Extreme Data (EIED) Workshop
July 18th - 21st in Cambridge.
Not an ARCHER2 event, but likely to be of interest to some ARCHER2 users
The first two days of the event (18 – 19) will take the form of US exascale data tutorials. The goal of the tutorials will be to train UK scientists on two US exascale technologies: I/O and visualisation.
The EIED Workshop from July 20 – 21 brings together experts from the communities of fusion science, accelerator physics, high energy physics, radio astronomy, climate, weather, computer science and data science to discuss data intensive science and possible software solutions for extreme scale science. The desired outcome of the workshop is to share knowledge from community leaders and understand
- central software solutions which can be used across multiple disciplines to aid in knowledge discovery
- data requirements for next generation science
- how new collaborations across disciplines can help us with sustainable software requirements to tackle mission critical scientific problems
This workshop will be in person and will feature speakers from the UK on the first day, and from several key international participations on the second day.
More details and Register to attend
Recently added known issues
The “Known Issues” page of the ARCHER2 Documentation lists all current open known issues including a description of the issue, its symptoms and any work-arounds.
- No recent issues
Upcoming ARCHER2 Training
- Message-passing Programming with MPI, Online, always-open self-service course
- Shared Memory Programming with OpenMP, Online, always-open self-service course
- QM/MM with GROMACS + CP2K, Online, Always open - self-service course
- Software Carpentry, Edinburgh Paterson’s Land, 26 - 27 June 2023 09:30 - 17:00 BST
- HPC Carpentry, Edinburgh Paterson’s Land, 28 June 2023 9:30 - 17:00 BST
- Introduction to BASH, online, Wednesday 28 June 2023 15:00 - 16:00 BST
- Python overhead: Reducing the burden, online, Wednesday 5th July 2023 15:00 - 16:00 BST
- Coupling LAMMPS and OpenFOAM for Multi-Scale Models, Online, Wednesday 19th July 2023 14:00 - 16:00 BST
Further details of upcoming training
We always welcome researchers wishing to present their work in a webinar - please contact the Service Desk if you would be interested in presenting your work.