ARCHER2 Image Competition 2021 overall winner
By Clair Barrass EPCC on September 8, 2022
The ARCHER2 Image competition is currently open for 2022.
Last years overall winning entry was the Early Career video entry:
Sea surface temperature (colour) and ice concentration (grey shades) in the Greenland-Scotland Ridge region.
Dr Mattia Almansi, Marine Systems Modelling - National Oceoanography Centre
The video shows the evolution of sea surface temperature and ice concentration in an ocean simulation covering the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. It is one of the regional 1/36°ree; simulations that are guiding the implementation of high-resolution zooms in a global 1/12°ree; model. The ultimate goal is to improve the overflows of deep water masses. The optimal final configuration is expected to improve the performance of the global model for climate timescales (decadal and multi-decadal). The simulation was designed and performed by the National Oceanography Centre as part of the IMMERSE project. The ocean general circulation model NEMO was run on the UK National Supercomputing Service Archer2.
Could you be a winner this year?
Full details of this year’s ARCHER2 Image and Video Competition