LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) is a widely-used classical molecular dynamics (MD) code. This C++ code is easy to use, incredibly versatile, and parallelised to run efficiently on both small-scale personal computers and CPU/GPU/CPU&GPU HPC clusters. As of 2023, LAMMPS has been used, to some degree, in over 40,000 publications in fields as varied as chemistry, physics, material science, granular and lubricated-granular flow.

The course will be divided into two parts:

Computing requirements:

All attendees will need their own desktop or laptop.

If you are logging on to an external system then you will need to have an SSH client installed which comes as default for Linux and Mac systems.


Participants are required to abide by the ARCHER2 Code of Conduct.


Details to follow

Course materials
