ARCHER2 Calendar November 2024
By ARCHER2 Calendar on November 1, 2024

Fully general evolution of a CFT field dual to gravity outside of a rotating black hole in anti-de Sitter spacetime
Dr Lorenzo Rossi, Queen Mary University of London, School of Mathematical Sciences
According to the celebrated AdS/CFT, gravitational physics in a certain spacetime called anti-de Sitter (AdS) is dual to the physics of a conformal field theory (CFT) at the AdS boundary. In turn, CFTs provide insights on theories of quantum particles (there are no other tools to study such theories in the strong coupling regime). The boundary of AdS is the sphere displayed in the video.
The video shows the evolution of a CFT field dual to the gravitational evolution of a field outside of a rotating black hole immersed in AdS. It is obtained from the first and only code able to simulate gravity in AdS in full generality, i.e., with dynamics along all 3 spatial dimensions. The simulation is performed on Archer 2 on a 3-dimensional Cartesian grid. Subsequently, the field values on this grid are used to extrapolate the displayed values on the sphere.
This image was published on the November page of the ARCHER2 2024 printed calendar.