ARCHER2 Image and Video Competition 2024 Results

Thank you to everyone who submitted images and videos to this year’s competition. The outstanding range of entries once again made judging a most enjoyable experience with so many great demonstrations of the important work being done using ARCHER2 .

We are pleased to announce the winners as follows:

Winning Early Career Researcher entry : Dr Chandan Bose, Aerospace Engineering, School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham with their image ‘Separated Vortex Ring above a Three-Dimensional Porous Disc’

Winning Video: Dr Sébastien Lemaire, EPCC University of Edinburgh with their video ‘Effects of “wake steering” on wind turbine flows’.

Winning Image and Overall Winner: Eric Breard, School of Geoscience, University of Edinburgh with their image ‘Turbulent Times’


View the gallery of all the submitted images and videos


Thanks to the entrants, judges and all involved in making the competition such a great success. We hope you will take a few moments to enjoy looking at the gallery.


As in previous years, we plan to produce a printed calendar featuring some of the images from the competition – you are most warmly invited to sign up to receive a copy, and these will be posted out in time for the new year.