ARCHER2 Calendar October 2024
By ARCHER2 Calendar on October 1, 2024

NACA0012 Turbulent Flow at 12 Degrees Angle of Attack
Dr Guglielmo Vivarelli & Dr Moshen Lahooti, Imperial College London, Aeronautical Engineering & Newcastle University
The image shows the flow transitioning to turbulent right at the beginning of the NACA0012 aerofoil at 12 degrees angle of attack and a Reynolds number of 150000. The flow produces a very large separation region on the upper surface of the wing. This particular simulation was run using the Nektar++ incompressible flow solver on Archer2 nodes due to the very high resolution (polynomial order 11) required to be able to capture the small scales forming at the leading edge. During testing, it was seen that, incorrect physical behaviour would generally be achieved unless a very large amount of resources was not deployed. The overall aim of this study was to understand aerofoil post-stall behaviour. This is critical for micro-air vehicles and wind turbine blades
This image was published on the October page of the ARCHER2 2024 printed calendar.