ARCHER2 Calendar September 2024
By ARCHER2 Calendar on September 1, 2024

The Galewsky Jet with a moving mesh
Dr Jack Betteridge, Imperial College London, Mathematics
This video shows a simulation of a jet stream around the North Pole over the period of one week. The rotating shallow-water equations are solved on the surface of a sphere, using the same numerical methods that are used in the Met Office’s next-generation weather forecasting model. In this animation, the mesh moves, with the resolution adapting to the gradient of the vorticity field. This allows the computational resources to be concentrated to the most complex features of the fluid. The shaded region shows the vorticity of the fluid, while the arrows show the size and direction of the wind. The contours show the streamlines along which the fluid flows.
Surface of the Earth photograph image credit: NASA - Visible Earth Blue Marble: Land Surface, Shallow Water, and Shaded Topography. Copyright information from
This image was published on the September page of the ARCHER2 2024 printed calendar.