ARCHER2 Calendar March 2024
By ARCHER2 Calendar on March 1, 2024

Dance with Fire
Dr Jian Fang, Scientific Computing Department, STFC Daresbury Laboratory
This video illustrates the interaction between turbulence and a hydrogen flame. Turbulence fluctuations disrupt the combustion, by stretching and bending the flame surface and altering the chemical reaction inside the reaction zone. In the meantime, the high temperature of the combustion products caused by the heat released from the flame dampens the turbulence, resulting in quiet fluids downstream. This dynamic interaction resembles a dance between turbulence and flame. The blue-white worm-like structures represent vortical motion from turbulence, and the flame is visualised with the iso-surface of temperature (400K-1200K), rendered with heat release rate. The result is obtained by the direct-numerical simulation with the high-order finite-difference method provided by the open-source ASTR code.
This image was published on the March page of the ARCHER2 2024 printed calendar.