ARCHER2 Calendar February 2023
By ARCHER2 Calendar on February 1, 2023

The self-amplification and the structured chaotic sea
Juan Carlos Bilbao-Ludena, Imperial College London
The picture shows the instantaneous generation of strain (light blue) by the mechanism of self-amplification of strain (purple contour) in a turbulent flow generated by a wing. A nonlinear process distinctive to turbulence. The contour slices show the values of the alignments of the vorticity vector and the intermediate eigenvector of the strain. This alignment plays a crucial role in the magnitude of vortex stretching, a process that regulates and contributes to the generation of strain.
The present simulation was obtained with the parallel code Pantarhei on Archer2 which enabled us to have access to novel geometrical features of turbulence which can help us understand better their complex structure. Particularly, in flows of industrial relevance far from isotropic/homogeneous assumptions which would help us elucidate the origins of the small-scale dynamics.
This image was published on the February page of the ARCHER2 2023 printed calendar.