ARCHER2 Weekly Newsletter
By ARCHER2 Service on April 20, 2022
- High-resolution prediction of wind profile and wind turbine aerodynamics using CFD and HPC, Online webinar, Wednesday 20th April 2022 15:00 - 16:00 BST
- ARCHER2 for Data Scientists, Online, 22 April 2022 10:00 - 17:30 BST
- Plotting and Programming with Python, Online, 28 April 2022 10:00 - 17:00 BST
- FHI-aims now available on ARCHER2
- ARCHER2 Embedded CSE (eCSE) call
- Recently added Known Issues
- Upcoming ARCHER2 training
High-resolution prediction of wind profile and wind turbine aerodynamics using CFD and HPC
Online webinar, Wednesday 20th April 2022 15:00 - 16:00 BST
In the numerical simulation of wind farms, an adequate resolution of the incoming wind profile is necessary for an accurate prediction of the working condition of the wind turbines. At the same time, the accurate description of the aerodynamics of the wind turbines wakes is paramount to assess the energy resource available to wind turbines downstream of front-row turbines in the wind farms.
The aim of the presented project is two-fold. One aim is to use high-resolution computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to resolve the full-rotor aerodynamics and the wake formation and propagation for misaligned wind conditions. These results would represent a valuable knowledge base to investigate the accuracy of modern numerical approaches used to assess turbine power production and the reliability of wake predictions, key to assess wind farm power losses due to rotor/wake interactions. The second aim is the application of high-resolution CFD for the accurate prediction of the wind field at wind farm installation sites. Here, the spatial resolution and accuracy of the wind field obtained with numerical weather prediction tools (mesoscale simulations), is enhanced by including local-scale features as resolved wind shear and waves motion.
ARCHER2 for Data Scientists
Online, 22 April 2022 10:00 - 17:30 BST
This course covers the basics of ARCHER2 for data scientists. We will cover ARCHER2 hardware, software, and configurations, discuss how to install software and use containers on the system, and then look in more detail at how to ensure data science workflows are efficiently exploiting ARCHER2. We will cover both R and Python topics, looking at potential methods for parallelising data science workflows across the ARCHER2 hardware, and ensuring efficient use of the compute nodes ARCHER2 provides.
Further details
Plotting and Programming with Python
28 April 2022 10:00 - 17:00 BST
This lesson is an introduction to programming in Python for people with little or no previous programming experience. It uses plotting as its motivating example. Please note that this lesson uses Python 3.
This one-day course aims to answer the following questions:
How do I…
- …read tabular data?
- …plot a single vector of values?
- …create a time series plot?
- …create one plot for each of several data sets?
- …get extra data from a single data set for plotting?
- …write programs I can read and re-use in future?
Further details
FHI-aims now available on ARCHER2
The FHI-aims electronic structure theory code is now available on ARCHER2. Version 210716.3 has been installed and can be accessed by using the command:
module load fhiaims
Note, you will need to request access to FHI-aims through SAFE as its use is restricted to users who have been approved for access by the developers. See the FHI-aims website for information on how to register for access.
More information on FHI-aims, including how to gain access to the software on ARCHER2 and example job submission scripts can be found on the FHI_aims page in the ARCHER2 documentation.
ARCHER2 Embedded CSE (eCSE) call
We are very pleased to announce that the 7th ARCHER2 eCSE call (ARCHER2 eCSE07) is now open for proposals. The deadline for submitting documents for technical evaluation is 16:00 on 24th May 2022 with the final deadline for proposal submission being 16:00 on 14th June 2022.
Embedded CSE (eCSE) support provides funding of between 1 and 12 person months inclusive for RSEs (Research Software Engineers, postdocs or equivalent) to carry out software development of codes to be run on the ARCHER2 system. The code(s) may already be running on ARCHER2, where the aim is to improve performance or scalability, to add functionality or to improve the usability and maintainability, or the code(s) may be running elsewhere (e.g. on a Tier-2 system) and the proposal could be to bring the software up to a level where it would perform well on ARCHER2.
For this call, software which results in research which is within the remit of EPSRC is eligible. Funding can be requested for staff located at the institution of the PI, third parties, or can include staff from the centralised CSE support team or a mixture of the above.
More details of how to apply are available by following the link to the eCSE calls page from here
together with details of the application and review process, assessment criteria eligibility, etc.
eCSE call dates
Deadline for submitting eCSE07 documents for technical evaluation: 16:00 on Tuesday 24th May 2022
Deadline for final eCSE07 submission: 16:00 Tuesday 14th June 2022
A recent webinar can be found here:
which includes a walk through of the submission of a proposal.
eCSE Webinar Thurs 28th April at 3pm
This eCSE Webinar will provide an overview of the eCSE programme, examples of work carried out during eCSE projects, and will describe the submission process including all the technical and logistical aspects of putting together a proposal. There will be the opportunity to ask questions about any aspect of the programme.
This online session is open to all. It will use the Blackboard Collaborate platform.
Details and join link:
Recently added Known Issues
The “Known Issues” page of the ARCHER2 Documentation lists all current open known issues including a description of the issue, its symptoms and any work-arounds.
- No recent issues
Upcoming ARCHER2 Training
- Message-passing Programming with MPI, Online, always-open self-service course
- Shared Memory Programming with OpenMP, Online, always-open self-service course
- QM/MM with GROMACS + CP2K, Online, Always open - self-service course
- High-resolution prediction of wind profile and wind turbine aerodynamics using CFD and HPC, Online webinar, Wednesday 20th April 2022 15:00 - 16:00
- Introduction to GROMACS, Online, 21 April 2022 10:00 - 16:00 BST
- ARCHER2 for Data Scientists, Online, 22 April 2022 10:00 - 17:30 BST
- Top 10* tips for using HPC, Online webinar, Tuesday 26th April 2022 16:00 - 17:00 BST
- Introduction to Modern Fortran, EPCC, Bayes Centre, University of Edinburgh, 26 - 27 April 2022 09:30 - 16:30 BST
- HPC-Europa3 project – assessing the nature and role of band alignment of copper oxides heterostructures, Online webinar, Wednesday 27th April 2022 15:00 - 16:00
- HPC for CFD using Code_Saturne, Online, 27 - 28 April 2022 (27th 13:15-17:30, 28th 9:00-12:30 BST)
- Plotting and Programming with Python, Online, 28 April 2022 10:00 - 17:00 BST
- eCSE Webinar, Online, Thursday 28th April 2022 15:00 - 16:00 BST
- Performance Analysis Workshop (Scalasca) Online 9 - 10 May 2022 09:30 - 16:30 BST
Further details
Recordings of past courses and virtual tutorials can be found here: