Software usage data on ARCHER2

In this blog, I will introduce how we collect software usage data from Slurm on ARCHER2, introduce the sharing of this data on the ARCHER2 public website and then have a look at differences (or not!) in software usage on ARCHER2 between two months:

  • December 2021: the initial access period for the full ARCHER2 system when usage was uncharged
  • January 2022: charging was turned on on the 4th January 2022 so this month roughly represents usage on the system with charging enabled


  • We query Slurm job steps for executable names and match them against a regex library to identify the software being used. The analysis tool is available on GitHub.
  • Historic monthly software usage data is available on the ARCHER2 website.
  • There are some differences between the charged and uncharged periods on ARCHER2 in terms of software use but the job sizes are relatively consistent.

Collection method

To get statistics on software usage on ARCHER2 we have written a small tool that queries the Slurm accounting database (via sacct) to extract details of job steps and then uses this data to associate specific job steps with a library of known software via a regex match on the executable name. This exploits the fact that Slurm job step names are given the name of the executable that is passed to the srun command.

The source for this tool and the known software library (with associated regex) are available in a public Gihub repo.

There are a number of potential issues with this approach that may lead to inaccuracies in the data:

  • The user may use an executable name for a known software that does not match the regex (or matches a different software regex) so the usage for that job step is wrongly assigned. However, we do still collect this data and report on executable names that have large amounts of usage associated with them so we can add them to the regex library in the future.
  • The user may precede the name of the executable with another command (such as time) which means the data for that job step cannot be correctly assigned.

As this method does not give access to the full job environment we also have to make some assumptions on how to account for jobs that use less than a single nodes-worth of cores (i.e. less than 128 cores). In this case, we compute the charge for the job step in core hours and then divide by 128 to get the cost in CU (Compute Units, equivalent to node hours on ARCHER2). For job steps that use more than one node the charge is simply CU as nodes are allocated exclusively on ARCHER2. This approach may also lead to some inaccuracies in how much individual job steps cost in CU in the calculation.

There is an explicit assumption that the inaccuracies noted above have a small effect on the overall software use statistics if they are sampled over a reasonably large number of job steps. On ARCHER2, a month typically has well over 3 million individual job steps.

Access to historical software use data

One aspect of the service status pages for the old ARCHER service that was useful and interesting to users and more widely was access to information on the use of software on the service. We have recently added similar information to the ARCHER2 status pages on the website. In addition, we got a large number of requests for the underlying and historical software use data. The old ARCHER version only had usage for the last month but we have put in place a way to make the monthly software use data available publicly on the ARCHER2 website status page and this will be continuously updated throughout the lifetime of the service. The status page contains:

  • Heatmaps showing usage and queue time by job length and size
  • Plots breaking down usage by software and job size by software
  • A table breaking down usage and job size by software
  • Links to data from previous periods

In addition, the historical software usage data from the service now sits in a repository of historical software use data GitHub repository for people to access.

Comparison of uncharged and charged periods

In this section we compare the software usage on ARCHER2 for two different periods:

  • December 2021: the initial access period for the full ARCHER2 system when usage was uncharged
  • January 2022: charging was turned on on the 4th January 2022 so this month mostly represents usage on the system with charging enabled

For both of these periods, ARCHER2 usage was high, though January saw slightly lower utilisation than December:

  • Dec 2021: Overall utilisation of 93.1%, 2.166 million job steps
  • Jan 2022: Overall utilisation of 87.2%, 1.899 million job steps

The plots below show % use by software for the two periods

December 2021:
% use by software on ARCHER2 for Dec 2021

January 2022:
% use by software on ARCHER2 for Jan 2022

The table below compares the % usage for the top five codes in the two periods.

Dec 2021   Jan 2022  
Software % Use Software % Use
VASP 33.1 VASP 41.8
PDNS3D 9.1 CP2K 6.6
CP2K 5.2 PDNS3D 4.1
iIMB 3.0 Met Office UM 3.4

For both periods, the most used software (by far!) is the VASP periodic electronic structure code which has use levels of 3-7× that of the next most used code. Two other codes, CP2K and PDNS3D, also appear in the top five most used software in both periods.

The table below compares statistics on job sizes (weighted by usage) for the two periods.

Software Min Q1 Median Q3 Max
Dec 2021 1 640.0 3072.0 6400.0 524288
Jan 2022 1 512.0 2560.0 8192.0 524288

Both the lower quartile and median job sizes are slightly higher in the uncharged period (Dec 2021) but the upper quartile is higher in the charged period (Jan 2022). For both periods, the maximum job size run was just over half a million compute cores (in both cases, this very large job does not have an executable that is identified by the analysis tool). However, there is no huge difference between the job size statistics between the two periods.

Tables with the full code usage data for the two periods can be found below and CSV versions of the data are available:


We have developed an analysis tool to take data directly from Slurm, assign usage to different software used on ARCHER2 and produce usage and size statistics broken down by software. We have also updated the ARCHER2 status page to provide data on software usage over the past month and make historical usage data available. Finally, we compared usage data over the previous two months on ARCHER2 (one of which was uncharged and one of which was charged) and see little significant difference in software usage and job sizes.

Usage data

December 2021

Software Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Jobs % Use
Overall 1 640.0 3072.0 6400.0 524288 2165760 100.0
VASP 3 256.0 1024.0 4096.0 43520 247933 33.1
Unidentified 1 1920.0 5184.0 16080.0 524288 83927 23.2
PDNS3D 2560 3200.0 6400.0 6400.0 32000 326 9.1
LAMMPS 1 2560.0 5120.0 8960.0 16384 5729 5.4
CP2K 1 256.0 1024.0 3200.0 262144 6283 5.2
iIMB 256 3072.0 4224.0 4608.0 8192 664 3.0
CASTEP 1 512.0 2048.0 2560.0 10240 1762102 2.9
Python 1 4096.0 16384.0 16384.0 65536 5118 2.5
Nek5000 64 1280.0 2048.0 5120.0 12800 231 1.7
OpenFOAM 1 512.0 1280.0 2048.0 5120 1796 1.4
Gromacs 1 264.0 288.0 512.0 2304 18002 1.4
NEMO 1 2544.0 5040.0 5040.0 9728 5040 1.4
ChemShell 1 512.0 512.0 1024.0 2048 747 1.4
FHI aims 1 512.0 1024.0 1024.0 25600 16139 1.3
EPOCH 1 5760.0 32768.0 32768.0 65536 115 1.2
Nektar++ 128 8192.0 12288.0 12288.0 24576 126 1.1
RMT 1 1280.0 3712.0 6400.0 19584 479 0.8
CRYSTAL 8 2560.0 8192.0 32768.0 65536 363 0.7
Met Office UM 1 6464.0 12480.0 12480.0 262144 733 0.6
ONETEP 1 128.0 128.0 256.0 1024 2014 0.5
PRECISE 768 768.0 768.0 768.0 768 44 0.4
SENGA 64 16384.0 16384.0 16384.0 16384 20 0.3
ptau3d 80 192.0 512.0 512.0 512 8 0.3
Quantum Espresso 12 256.0 1024.0 1024.0 2048 3698 0.2
Smilei 128 2048.0 2048.0 2048.0 2048 287 0.2
Code_Saturne 4096 131072.0 131072.0 131072.0 262144 56 0.2
MITgcm 1 252.0 354.0 360.0 2000 1573 0.1
NWChem 28 512.0 768.0 768.0 1280 157 0.1
HYDRA 1 2560.0 2560.0 2560.0 2560 746 0.1
GS2 256 2048.0 2048.0 2048.0 9216 751 0.1
SIESTA 8 640.0 640.0 640.0 768 39 0.1
HemeLB 128 1024.0 1280.0 1280.0 3072 21 0.1
SBLI 4096 131072.0 131072.0 131072.0 131072 8 0.0
TPLS 4 2048.0 18432.0 32768.0 32768 31 0.0
AxiSEM3D 64 128.0 128.0 384.0 768 14 0.0
ECHAM 384 384.0 384.0 384.0 384 19 0.0
CESM 64 512.0 512.0 512.0 768 48 0.0
NAMD 127 128.0 128.0 128.0 256 103 0.0
DL_POLY 4 256.0 512.0 512.0 512 70 0.0
HANDE 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 102 0.0
WRF 72 72.0 72.0 72.0 72 1 0.0
CloverLeaf 1 12.0 24.0 43.0 64 87 0.0
FVCOM 1 1.0 1.0 2.0 2 10 0.0

January 2022

Software Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Jobs % Use
Overall 1 512.0 2560.0 8192.0 524288 1899000 100.0
VASP 1 1024.0 5120.0 9728.0 131072 672066 41.8
Unidentified 1 768.0 1536.0 6016.0 524288 599975 16.3
CP2K 1 160.0 640.0 1536.0 8192 13099 6.6
CASTEP 1 256.0 1024.0 2560.0 12800 553684 4.5
PDNS3D 3072 6400.0 32000.0 32000.0 32000 61 4.1
Met Office UM 1 6464.0 6464.0 6464.0 262144 4194 3.4
Python 1 1024.0 16384.0 16384.0 65536 6201 2.7
NEMO 1 2712.0 5040.0 6272.0 15232 5598 2.3
ChemShell 1 512.0 512.0 512.0 4096 819 2.1
LAMMPS 1 256.0 384.0 5120.0 8960 2369 2.1
iIMB 128 2688.0 4224.0 4224.0 6912 234 1.5
FHI aims 1 128.0 256.0 1024.0 4096 18665 1.4
ONETEP 1 160.0 256.0 256.0 1024 2769 1.3
CRYSTAL 1 4096.0 8192.0 8192.0 16384 281 1.2
Nek5000 64 1280.0 2048.0 2560.0 7680 218 1.2
SENGA 80 1440.0 7680.0 7680.0 16384 92 1.2
OpenFOAM 1 512.0 512.0 2048.0 5120 827 1.1
Gromacs 1 264.0 1408.0 1536.0 8192 5259 1.1
Nektar++ 1 6144.0 12288.0 12288.0 15360 134 0.9
RMT 1 1280.0 3456.0 6400.0 20000 644 0.9
CASINO 128 512.0 1024.0 1024.0 1280 248 0.6
GS2 32 1536.0 1536.0 2048.0 8192 2006 0.3
MITgcm 2 252.0 354.0 354.0 2000 6193 0.2
NWChem 128 640.0 768.0 768.0 1024 295 0.2
SIESTA 16 1920.0 2560.0 2560.0 5120 41 0.2
Quantum Espresso 5 128.0 256.0 1024.0 2048 1854 0.2
Smilei 1024 2048.0 2048.0 2048.0 2048 95 0.1
EPOCH 128 4096.0 16384.0 16384.0 65536 474 0.1
NAMD 128 1600.0 1600.0 1600.0 1600 70 0.1
TPLS 1 18432.0 49152.0 49152.0 49152 71 0.1
PRECISE 512 768.0 768.0 768.0 3072 28 0.1
HYDRA 1 1024.0 2560.0 2560.0 5120 74 0.1
HemeLB 128 512.0 512.0 512.0 1024 52 0.0
CESM 64 512.0 1024.0 1024.0 2048 114 0.0
SBLI 512 4096.0 4096.0 4096.0 4096 21 0.0
OSIRIS 1280 1280.0 1280.0 1280.0 1280 3 0.0
CPMD 128 128.0 128.0 128.0 512 94 0.0
WRF 72 2048.0 2048.0 2048.0 2048 41 0.0
ptau3d 80 80.0 80.0 80.0 80 2 0.0
HANDE 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 19 0.0
Code_Saturne 128 128.0 128.0 128.0 128 7 0.0
Elk 16 16.0 16.0 16.0 16 1 0.0
CloverLeaf 128 128.0 128.0 128.0 128 1 0.0
FVCOM 1 1.0 1.0 2.0 2 6 0.0
UKRmol+ 2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2 1 0.0