ARCHER2 Image and Video Competition 2020 Results
By Clair Barrass on November 25, 2020
ARCHER Image and Video Competition 2020 : Results
Thank you to everyone who submitted images and videos to this year’s competition. The outstanding range of entries made judging a most enjoyable experience with so many great demonstrations of the important work being done using ARCHER .
We are pleased to announce the winners as follows:
Winning Early Career Researcher entry: Xizhuo Jiang, University College London, Department of Mechanical Engineering with their image “Endothelial glycocalyx – defender of blood vessel walls”.
Winning Video: Fraser Goldsworth, University of Oxford, AOPP with their video “Symmetric instability in a cross-equatorial western boundary current”.
Winning Image and Overall Winner: Nitin Shukla, Instituto Superior Technico with their image “Particles surf on plasma waves excited by high-power lasers”
We invite you to visit the gallery of all the submitted images and videos or to watch our gallery video:
Thanks to the entrants, judges and all involved in making the competition such a great success. We hope you will take a few moments to enjoy looking at the gallery.