ARCHER2 eCSE update
By Chris Johnson EPCC on September 23, 2020
The ARCHER2 eCSE (embedded CSE) programme provides funding for software development effort for codes that will run on ARCHER2. This first call under ARCHER, the first of a regular series of ARCHER2 eCSE calls, opened back in May and closed in early July.
It had been 2 years since the previous eCSE call, which then ran under the ARCHER service. We were therefore expecting a good response to this call. This was certainly the case as we received 25 proposals – more than we had received for any of the 13 calls under ARCHER!
The eCSE panel met in August to decide which proposals to award from the 1st call. The panel was made up of HPC experts covering the diverse range of subject areas of the proposals, including members with particular expertise in software development. The panel was well balanced in terms of experience (a mixture of returning panel members and new members), gender (4 female and 7 male) and with an independent non-UK based chair. Of the 25 proposal received, 13 proposals were awarded funded for projects starting over the next few months in a range of subjects (Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Materials, Medicine and Life Sciences) involving 10 different institutions.
The 2nd call is already open and closes for technical evaluations on 6th October 2020 with final proposals due 27th October 2020. The eCSE programme naturally provides support for researchers in the early stages of their careers as many RSEs are at this stage. To further this support, we will be offering a small number of early career researchers the opportunity to attend the eCSE panel meeting as observers. The call for observers is open alongside the second eCSE call with a closing date of 6th October.
Information on both the eCSE call and the Observer’s call can be found here: