ARCHER2 – Build Day 2
By Lorna Smith on July 14, 2020
Yesterday saw the first phase of ARCHER2 arrive on site, with all four Shasta Mountain cabinets moved in to their correct position. The images below show pictures of the back and the front of these cabinets. The red and blue cables are colour coded water pipes for the cooling system, blue for the supply water and red for the return water.
The Shasta mountain system supports direct liquid cooling of all components, and the picture below shows the Coolant Distribution Unit (CDU), which is also in place beside the compute cabinets. Finally, a management server, storage rack and country of origin sticker complete the mini system.
One of today’s main jobs is connecting the provision of chilled water, connecting the pipework to allow water to flow to and from the CDU.
Fitting the overhead trays is also on today’s plan, as is general cabling and power work.
Watch out for tomorrow’s blog for more details on today’s progress.
Pictures supplied by Greg Muir